Waterfalls and Cascades

Waterfalls of the Huasteca Potosina The Huasteca, part of which lies along the eastern slopes of the Sierra Madre Oriental and runs down to the Gulf Coast along the basin of the Rio Panuco (Panuco River) in Mexico, is incredibly rich in water resources, and the landscape and vegetation testify Continue Reading →

Taninul Hotel: A Treat for Body and Soul

We discovered Taninul Hotel and spa in the Huasteca Potosina through the recommendations of family and friends who’d visited this special, lush, and splendid area of Mexico in search of adventure and the Englishman’s castle–the enchanted gardens of Edward James at Las Pozas, Xilitla. The hotel was built in a Continue Reading →

The Huasteca, Mexico’s Jewel

Reading and summarizing the 1824 journal of travels made by a detachment of men sent by the Real del Monte Mining Company from the gulf coast of Mexico into the highlands, I was reminded of the beauties of the countryside in one of Mexico’s unspoiled regions, the Huasteca. The mining Continue Reading →