The Mighty Avocado

So much has come out lately in health news circles about the wonders and benefits of avocados. The avocado is touted as a superfood, effective for conditions and ailments ranging from osteoarthritis to cardiovascular disease, from dry skin to depression. As more studies come out about its properties and qualities, Continue Reading →

Gazpacho Packs a Punch

The Alternative Daily published an article about the health benefits of gazpacho*, a cold, tomato-based soup that is brimming with flavor and nutrients, citing research published in the journal of Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases** that points to the ingredients of gazpacho containing properties helpful in protecting us against conditions Continue Reading →

Wahpooroo: An Herb by Any Other Name…

When in the Patzcuaro area of Michoacan, Mexico, with my cousins last month, we visited the lakeside town of Tzintzuntzan with its old churches set in an ancient olive grove and its crafts market replete with straw Christmas decorations, baskets, painted pottery, and miscellanea. Outside the gates of the church Continue Reading →

Agua de Jamaica and la Comida Corrida

Flor de jamaica is the Mexican name for the flowers, or actually the calyces, of the variety of hibiscus known as the roselle, or Hibiscus sabdariffa, which is commonly grown in the tropical climes of the Americas. Recently, I came across fresh hibiscus flowers at our local Zihuatanejo market. They Continue Reading →

Fifteen days of Fasting

This weekend I decided to end my juice fast. I was fifteen days into it and feeling good. I decided that I’d had a good spring cleansing; the minor allergic reactions that I was having had subsided, my skin and tongue were clear. And I felt really ready to eat! Continue Reading →